SAIL News:
Read the latest news in the Winter Newsletter 2024. Also, check out our new brochure!
Annual Report
Read about SAIL's activities throughout the year and all the committee reports detailing what they did in SAIL's 2024 Annual Report.
Brown Bag Lunch, Friday, February 28th, 11:30 AM
The next Brown Bag Lunch will start at 11:30 AM at the Trinity Episcopal Fellowship Hall. Bring your lunch and hear our speaker, Mary Alvaro from Jefferson Security Bank, discuss banking scams. The lunch presentations will be available on Zoom.
Navigating the Future -- Friday, February 7, at 1:30pm
Workshop #5: End of Life Care (at the Shepherdstown Public Library)
Jim Klein, business outreach manager at Hospice of the Panhandle, will join Tracy Seffers, certified end of life doula for this presentation. Jim will share Hospice’s wide variety of supportive care, free grief services, inpatient facility, well as a brief overview of recent community partnership with Panhandle Palliative Services, and volunteering with Hospice of the Panhandle. Tracy Seffers is an end-of-life doula and therapeutic musician, trained by multiple national and international organizations. She will describe the work of an end-of-life doula, also called a death doula or end of life coach, in assisting a dying person and their loved ones.
All SAIL members are invited. Bring a guest. No reservation is required. Refreshments will be available. Bring your own beverage.
Workshop will be available on Zoom. For those attending via Zoom, you can access all the "handouts" on our SAIL website. Look under the Resources tab or link here to Navigating the Future. Please note that most of these resources will be downloads that may not automatically open. Click on the link, then find them on your computer wherever your downloads typically appear.
Get ready for The February Follies, Saturday February 22 at 6pm
SAIL will have a Fundraising Event, The February Follies, on Saturday, February 22nd at 6pm at the War Memorial Building. There will be a catered dinner and a theater performance by the SAIL players, cash bar, and a Silent Auction featuring local merchants. Tickets are $50 per person or $350 for a table of 8. Limited seating. Deadline to RSVP to the office is February 18th. Office number is 304-870-7245.