I moved to Shepherdstown from Allentown, PA, at the end of 2006, after my husband died, to live next door to my younger daughter and her family. I had heard about the Beacon Hill project many years ago so was immediately eager to find out more about SAIL when it was first announced. (
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Elinor Ross

Sherman and I are some of the first people to join SAIL. We are almost 86 and 89 years old, and hope to remain in our home on 10 acres here in Shepherdstown. SAIL is sort of a security blanket for us. (
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Melinda Landolt

Hi! My name is Melinda Landolt. I became interested in the Village concept several years ago when I heard that an Aging in Place group might be forming in Shepherdstown. When I was invited to join this group, I was happy to add my voice to the effort. (
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“Keeping the wind in our sails!”