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HomeDiseases & Conditions

Diseases & Conditions

This online library is made up of authoritative, easy to use online resources on topics of interest to older adults. Click on the links below to start exploring the website of your choice.

MedlinePlus  From the National Institute of Health (NIH) National Library of Medicine. Information on diseases, drugs, tests, and more.

WVU Health Library  Browse or search an extensive collection of health resources, or select "Older Adults" under the Your Family category for senior focused topics.

National Institute on Aging (health information)  Scroll down the page to see many categories of helpful resources.

Patient Care and Health Information   Well regarded medical library from Mayo Clinic; user friendly "symptom checker".

Health Organizations by Topic   NIH collection of links to hundreds of disease specific websites; browse by topic, or choose the alternate alphabetical list. 

Alzheimer's Association

American Cancer Society

American Heart Association

National Stroke Association

109B White Hall, Shepherd University – Corner of High and Princess Streets -- Shepherdstown, WV  
Mailing Address:  Post Office Box 2091 – Shepherdstown, WV 25443