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HomeNavigating the Future

Navigating the Future: A SAIL Series

SAIL is excited to offer a series of workshops highlighting lessons learned by our discussion groups who tackled “personal 5-year planning.” Come to engage with fellow SAILers and community experts about key topics that emerged from our discussions. While thinking about the future and considering options, you will be empowered with new ideas and information for your healthy aging toolbox.  

The sessions will be offered at the Shepherdstown Library, 1:30-3:00. Refreshments will be available; bring your own beverage. If you need a ride to the workshops, contact Carolee at the office, 304 870 7245. Workshops are free. No reservation is necessary. Members may bring a guest. Zoom participation will be available.

Next Up: # 5. End of Life Care - Friday, February 7, 2025

Jim Klein, business outreach manager at Hospice of the Panhandle, will join Tracy Seffers, certified end of life doula for this presentation. Jim will share Hospice’s wide variety of supportive care, free grief services, inpatient facility, well as a brief overview of recent community partnership with Panhandle Palliative Services, and volunteering with Hospice of the Panhandle. Tracy Seffers is an end-of-life doula and therapeutic musician, trained by multiple national and international organizations. She will describe the work of an end-of-life doula, also called a death doula or end of life coach, in assisting a dying person and their loved ones.

1. Our Age-Friendly Community - Friday, September 6

Many SAILers plan to remain in Shepherdstown and age in place. Qualities of the town itself can make that more possible. In this first session in our Navigating the Future series, learn how age-friendly Shepherdstown and Shepherd University really are and share your ideas about what might be changed to make our town, including our local university, even more livable for people of all ages and abilities. We will highlight lessons learned (including recipes for yummy snacks!) from Blue Zone communities where people live long, healthy lives, often into their nineties and hundreds.  

2. Home Safety and Livability - Friday, October 4

In this session you'll learn how to improve your home environment to make it safer and to accommodate needs that develop as we age. Amy Childers, a nationally certified and West Virginia licensed Occupational Therapist with many years of experience, will be presenting on home safety evaluations. Then we’ll have a bit of “show and tell” from SAIL members on your favorite or most unique assistive devices, so feel free to bring one along. We’ll finish with reminders and updates on how SAIL can support you when the need arises. 


3. What about Care Communities? - Friday, November 1

This session will present an overview of the options and obstacles involved if you decide it is time to move from your home to a senior living facility. To help you make an informed decision, the emphasis will be on common issues found in senior living communities and on providing information useful to SAIL members across a wide range of personal considerations. This discussion builds on the work of Vicky Thomas whose August 2022 presentation to SAIL’s Brown Bag luncheon meeting is available on the SAIL website.

4. Legal Matters Matter! - Friday, January 3, 2025

Have you already written your will and powers of attorney? Looked at them in the past5 years? Talked about your wishes with your loved ones? If not, do these subjects feel overwhelming? Join us on January 3 for Legal Matters Matter, the fourth in our Navigating the Future workshops. We’ll untangle the mysteries around these essential documents and discuss others we might want to consider to assure that our wishes will be honored at the end of life - such as wills, powers of attorney, living wills, POST and DNR orders – and what happens if we don’t prepare. You’ll get resources to help you think about these

crucial matters. Bring your curiosity, your questions and experiences.

5. End of Life Care - Friday, February 7, 2025

Books, websites and more!

Materials for, and about, our topics for Navigating the Future: A SAIL Series

Please note: Most of these resources will be downloads that may not automatically open. Click on the link, then find them on your computer wherever your downloads typically appear.

Our Age-Friendly Shepherdstown

Home Safety and Livability

What About Care Communities?

Legal Matters Matter!

End of Life Care

109B White Hall, Shepherd University – Corner of High and Princess Streets -- Shepherdstown, WV  
Mailing Address:  Post Office Box 2091 – Shepherdstown, WV 25443