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HomeVolunteering for SAIL


Volunteering at SAIL


Please download, complete and return this form. 

Volunteer Agreement and Interest Survey

Mail completed form to:

Shepherdstown Area Independent Living
PO Box 2091
Shepherdstown, WV 25443


There are many ways for both members and non-members to serve as a SAIL volunteer. Many projects can be done from home. We have over 50 volunteers hard at work doing many of the jobs listed below.  The goal is to have many "hands" so that no one is overburdened.

After completing the Volunteer Agreement and Interest Survey, and the background check if applicable, volunteers attend an orientation session.  Further training opportunities are provided regularly. 

Below are some examples of services our volunteers provide:

Administrative Assistance

  • Helping with preparation of the Newsletter

  • Monitoring recommended contractors and vendors
  • Assisting with mailings
  • Preparing membership packets

  • Keeping the website current

Public Relations and Marketing

  • Preparing and submitting press releases to the media    
  • Designing publications
  • Delivering brochures to businesses, street fairs, the library, farmers' markets
  • Sending letters to local, state and national legislators


  • Planning social activities such as potluck dinners and group outings
  • Organizing special interest groups such as book clubs, bridge, dining out, and cooking clubs 
  • Organizing classes and workshops  
  • Providing refreshments for events 

Community relations

  • Assisting the fundraising committee
  • Maintaining relationships with strategic and corporate partners 
  • Writing funding grants

Assisting members with:

  • Transportation
  • Home visits
  • Phone calls
  • Medical notetaking
  • Pre- and post-surgery arrangements
  • Errands, picking up mail
  • Technology questions
  • Light in-home or yard work tasks
  • Pet care 
  • Providing a meal 
Serving on a committee or the board of directors


109B White Hall, Shepherd University – Corner of High and Princess Streets -- Shepherdstown, WV  
Mailing Address:  Post Office Box 2091 – Shepherdstown, WV 25443